Luke here with the outo boys YouTube channel I'm here in the swamps of Florida and for the next two weeks I'm fishing catching pythons hunted Gators
spear fishing eating good food and I'm bringing you guys along for the
ride train I got the sun only rain I want to crash and on this
pain nothing will last inside this leg
take me far away past this mediocre days I need to stop this
bird say can you help me un
this all right guys welcome to Fort Meers Florida alligators there's alligators
right oh here we are oh what do you think it is oh very
nice look at this it's got a walkr
shower this place is huge oh look at
this this is nice that's nice look at this dock oh we're going to
have to do some fishing off
this there he is there he is look at
this get him get him get him here here there you go got you got him got a
little chameleon that's cool go show Doby it's really cool see he's trying to bite me all right well back out welcome
to Cape Coral Florida are you excited to be here I'm so excited it's gorgeous it's nice to get away from the snow huh
yeah yeah I'm going to go hit the store I'm going to get some
supplies all right guys dinner's
ready come sit out here by the fire Lucy on the key well back home there's about
ft of snow in our front yard so this is pretty nice and bean shirtless and
bean shirtless make you cold oh I was so hungry well guys it has
been a long day but we are so glad to be here we've got so many fun things planned for the next week or so I'll see
you you guys in the morning I've got to get some
rest oh good morning it is in the morning we slept about hours last
night we were really really
tired want to eat by the pool I'm going to
feel the cool Jacob you like that it's so good thank
you I love this all right I think it's time to do a little fish in
here all right there we go just a little bit of shrimp all right we're going to see if
we can't catch like a mangr snapper or some sheep's head or something little fish musing with it oh there we go there
we go see that that's a little baby sheep's head when they get bigger these are
delicious pretty little guy oh little hardhead catfish this is a
saltwater catfish here in Florida that's really common they have this really sharp poisonous spine on their dorsal
fin and on each of their pcal fins so you got to grab them really carefully so you don't get stabbed you can eat them
and I have and they're okay but not my favorite but they put up a good fight
this is so much fun I'm just sitting here fishing and the kids are having a ball in the pool
Jacob Jacob are you having a great time and I was facing death you you were
facing death yes wait
devil had a great day this is so relaxing oh we've needed this hey to you
having fun yeah we have spent the whole day fishing eating and playing in the pool and I
have zero regrets a good
morning well my in-laws are joining us on this trip it looks like they just arrived hi you guys made
it yeah come on in now we originally planned to do a charter today let's see if everyone wants to do it boys you want
to go out on a boat no no boat would you rather rest and relax or go out on a boat probably rest and relax bega do you
want to go out on the boat yes yeah all right all right we'll see you guys in a little bit your parents walked through
the door and we pawned the kids off them in like two seconds flat nobody wanted to go on the boat but us turn left
on welcome to Santa Bel Island so me and Becka are going on a
shelling Charter we're going to take a boat to a mostly uninhabited Island that has some of the best shelling here in
the US all right I think that's our boat
okayy never been a visitor but to go to an island just a little bit north of here called K Costa or Kaio Costa Costa
Kosta kasta
the sheer volume of shells here is amazing look at this is just a mound of
shells solid sea shells there's more shells than sand on this beach I know
it's a little Pokey oh that looks like it's alive reach it look at that yes that poor
sponge he'll never make it back to his pineapple under the sea these
clamshells the previous tenant hasn't left yet so we'll oh beautiful sand
dollar yeah that's nice well thanks to poor time management and poor weather this morning we had a really late start
so we only have about minutes of Shelly today but Becca's not complaining she's just jazzed to be here yay
look at that little Crab Claw oh there's nice
one yeah look at that yeah oh babe you having a good time I had a great time a
good one oh yeah there nice we came to this island about years ago and we just found so many shells it was insane
we're really trying to restrain ourselves and not bring back as many this time look at the size of that clam shell
nice nice side that's a nice one oh look at that yeah that's a pretty
one oh look at that one yeah sea
urchin show faster Becca we're out of time it was like time to turn around like minutes ago but this is like
Becca's version of one more cast I told think it's time to turn
around she just ran away for me Becca I think we need to turn around we got minutes all right Becca we need to go oh
look there's a big shell over here come get it there go we need to run babe now we
need to get all the way around the point in
minutes oh the sun set eyes off the ground oh look there's the one dang it I
just told her not to
look oh oh that's a pile of shells look at
that a big pile of shells we got more than I thought we woulded to do every
night you okay woo thank you very much we had a great time you Becca was that
fun it was so fun I'm glad you enjoyed that lots of
shells hello was glad I wasn't me this time not bad
for about minutes of shelling huh we had more time we could have done really well but I've got to hurry up and
eat some dinner and get out of here cuz me and Tommy we're going python
hunting I love you be we'll see you tomorrow I'll try my best not to get
eaten stay up yeah we got about a hour drive buddy we need popsicles but
uh [Music] well it's almost midnight we're going to
get to bed we got to get up really early to go hunt pythons I'll see you guys
even there's a peacock hey peacock Tommy are you psyched up yes you
ready to catch a python yes so me and Tommy are going into the Everglades we're going to be hunting invasive
pythons it's it's Amy Amy yep and Dave Dave meet both of you this is Tommy and
I'm Luke welcome aboard woohoo berby python are invasive species
it's absolutely devastating the wildlife here in Southern Florida when Hurricane Andrew hit a reptile breeding center was
destroyed and thousands of burmes python hatchlings escaped into the wild and established a breeding population here
so we're going to see if we can't find and remove some Burmese pythons
it's winter time here in the Everglades and during this time the pythons come onto these islands to breed so we're
going to go in those islands and see if we can't find enormous snakes now Tom when we get into that thick brush I need
you to pretend you're wounded that'll attract the pythons got it oh that's
perfect we might get a gator too
oh these python average about ft long but they can get up to ft long
they're extremely well camouflaged and they'll sit out in the open spots and try to bask in the Sun and if we find
one we're going to have to wrestle it out of this brush those invasive snails yeah it's an
apple snail shell that's crazy you want to hold on to that give that to Mama yeah you know mama loves shells
OT here and so that's why it's it's very weather dependent with these guys because all right we checked out one
Island we're going to go drive down and check out another I can hold
these so we got kind of these open spots a little bit of ferns and lots of sunlight that's where we're looking for
the pythons little snake
skeleton that's something what'd you find Tom Tommy and
Amy found a snake egg a native species a black racer the snakes come here to
breed because it's one of the few places up out of the water we're surrounded by Miles and Miles of swamp python oh
python nope it's a little ribbon [Music]
snake he'll musk a lot he'll stink butake look at that little ribbon snake
Tom rib snake stinky I saw this one that was really thick hey you're a cute
little little nope rope snakes excrete a musk like a skunk
so my hand stink wipe off the snake butt
smell a lot of people from Amy just found the skin of a
Burmese python it's over here too oh do you see it right there going all the way back oh yeah yeah uh this is probably
like a f footer maybe uh oh here's it head see the little eyeballs right there
so we're going to look around and see if we can't find him sounds like Tommy found a python
egg what's that got one try down let me see let me check it out it'll be last
dude you're right
I'm nice nice cool coming back every year there you go check it out that's a
Burmese python egg right there you see where the baby burst out right
there good spot Tom you want to hold on to that yeah sweet good find Tom yeah
yep there's a native snake right over there it's called the black
racer good job baby caught that look at that the eyes on that he was trying to
bite me a little bit so he might he might get you just FY eye oh here look let him go we'll let him go
wow that is a fasc oh yeah now my hand smells like butt again it's a good sign we saw that black racer if it's out
sunning itself then the Burmese pythons are going to be out too most of them all but one that one is still check it out
these are turtle eggs they got dug up a lot of them got eaten and there's this one still
whole that oh look at this the shed skin of a
raser yeah look at that yeah I yeah cuz they're over there right
now there's another black eraser in
[Music] there you pick up that yeah yeah careful
he W yeah he probably you but he want yeah there you go gent
with him yeah see how he's shedding right there and see his skin starting to come off the snake is there you
go empty shelf empty shelf oh look at that wow it's been a week old look at
that that's
crazy tail is right here so we might have to jump on it all right oh I see that all right is it down in that oh I
see it this is a good one it head's it head's going off that direction isn't it yep it head is over here this is a
really good one here get head Tommy grab
grab okay step on it head too where's theum got you yeah there we go got you
look at that oh nice ho he stinks yeah look at that he smells like just like oh
I like so this right here is a Burmese python and he is squirting his musk all
over cuz he is upset here you grab that tail Tom sure here unwrap your dad now
you got to you got to pull it tight pull it tight there we go there we go going to unwrap him stretch him stretch him
out yeah pull him out pull him out go I think he's a f footer atast he's
got my look at that it's still numb feels like he weighs about pounds
maybe so this is a male python check it out it's Got Claws like a little toe
claw right there one on that side and one on that side so you know technically
snakes do have legs they're just very very tiny the male claws are bigger than the female claws right
absolutely there you go there we go all right Tommy we get a picture give me a smile well these
snakes Mak are an invasive species so we've got to go ahead and euthanize it I can't feel your arm you getting a blood
pressure test that's really important like we the
ground all right now we're going to go put a tape measure on this thing in t in all right the big
snake our average is between six and nine yeah you're over that you're over the average wo I'm above average my mom
is so proud oh my God Co y well there we go hey we smell bad we
smell bad wow when you smell like snake butt you've had a successful day it's a successful day really happy that we
could be a part of it well it's getting late it's starting to cool off and when it cools off the pythons going to hiding
so I think that's it for today and wow it's been awesome we got that was a nice python wasn't it it was a good one it
was a really good
python to give up yeah you know guys thank you so much that was so much
fun if you're in Southern Florida and you want to catch a Burmese python check out the python Huntress I'll put a link
to their website in the video description below make sure to check it out yeah yeah you let me know how the hi ey goes and what I need to pay for that
I'm definitely tanning that hide all right thanks guys bye guys thank you now you can technically eat bur's pythons
but they are not good I have eaten one one time it's like rubbery chicken flavored string cheese and they also
have a high level of mercury so they don't recommend eating a ton of them but they're going to go ahead and tan the hide and ship it to me so I'm looking
forward to having that in my office well we're wet and we smell like snake butt but we've been having a great
time we are home yay hey guys you guys having fun in the
pool uhhuh oh you having a good birthday Jacob yeah
birth deck happy birthday Jake happy watch a
Pokemon C no do you like your presents yes well it's been a great day and Jacob's had a great birthday I think
it's time to put the camera down I'll see you guys in the morning we're going alligator
hunting hey Nathan you ready to go alligator hunting boy from the Gators
you oh hey Paul how you doing hey how's it going man this is Paul and he's with towns it and Suns Guide Service here and
he's going to take us out we're going to go fishing for alligators heck yeah man you ready all right now the way it works
in Florida is private land owners can have biologists survey the alligator population on their land and the
biologists will give them a set number of TXS a number of alligators they can Harvest and then people like me can come
and pay the land order to harvest their alligators but make no mistake these are wild alligators these aren't stocked
alligators they're not fed these are wild animals so right now we're just
cruising around in the side by side and we're looking for alligators they get up to and Aft here oh he's right there
on the edge of that grass this one the little one right on the edge of the water one yeah yeah do some
practice okay so there's about a t alligator right there he just went down
we can see a little bit of bubbles so we're going to try to snag him off the
bottom perfect let it
sink all right we're going go try another spot like blowing my mind here oh I can
see him I can see his head's facing that way now yeah there's one basket in the right there doesn't look too big he's
what maybe ft I tell you to give you know go you know you're coming they got C on oh we
just saw two t Gators sitting on that island but they kind of slid into the water when they saw us
coming o that was a long shot well trying to snag a gator sounds easy in
concept but it's hard in practice stupid
yeah both those gators only gave me one shot and barely one
shot now be real quiet real quiet we got to be there are two big fat Gators over
there a little
further theb tra you whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he
going down okay that wasn't
solid figured this was only a few inches deep but I stepped here and it goes all the way up to my
knees I wet my pants told you that first step there I get you all right but this
spot here you can throw pretty
good y there you go got him yep got him re
reel re re fast fast fast
fast D like like pull you back
and get a second line his head get we going to try to get a second hook in him just to make sure he doesn't get away
and to help get his head up out of the water all right buddy pull up you pull that don't let it
go got him well there we go we got ourselves a
gator man that guy is fat that is a fat tail yes I think
he look at the size of that tail that is huge also look at the meat on this thing
this boy
oh he's moving a little bit there we go got
him all right we got a gator in the back we're going to see if we get Nathan
one let's go see if we can get oh here Nathan come quick buddy yeah
yeah he's going to try to hook him okay you getting no close to him okay there was a big one just sitting on that bank right there and he just dunked in the
water oh there's the bubbles you can see them right there gotta lead him oh
man oh Nathan naan come here this is you he's got him he's on real reel reel reel
reel reel re reel real fast real hard real
aggressive reel reel reel reel down reel down son reel down all right there he is this grass is
worse let's go check it out buddy say goodbye to him he's leaving there's your Gator
byebye Snappy I wanted to get him in the headlock yeah yeah that wasn't going to happen all right man what you think I
give you high five was that cool you want to know something what that was
bigger than Tommy's Gator that was real cool
[Music] yeah you got kn sure wait
for watch buddy yeah watch out buddy that is yeah foabout lb
that is a chunky Gator we're going to go ahead and pick
up the meat in a few days but in the meantime they're sending me home with a little bit of alligator rib meat so
we're going to go ahead and have alligator ribs prob there hey PA that was a great time well guys that was a
hoot if you guys want to do this too I'm going to put a link to towns in and Suns Guide Service in the video description
below well Nathan what did you think of that was that fun yeah it was really fun it was cool catching the gator
mhm there you go well it's been a great day and we're
just sitting here eating dinner and watching the sunset but I'm going to put the camera down and I'm going to see you guys in the
morning all right we got next to it next you like that
biscuit and gravy sandwich there well it's a beautiful Sunday we're going to get the kids dressed and head to church but before I do I'm putting some
alligator ribs in the [Applause]
[Music] oven we got the alligators cooking at a low slow heat and we're going to let
them sit for about hours forgot to bring my church shoes so we're going to wear our extra toughs to church all
right looking good all right right I think it's time to put the camera down I'll see you in a little
bit yeah you have a good time at church yeah oh you can smell the alligator ribs
after I win for but I think it's time to make
all right we got some alligator ribs cornbread peasel macaroni salad grapes dirty beans
and rice you guys like the food yeah it's
yummy it reminds me of pig meat well Becca are you having a good day oh a great D good
down you like buttermilk pie love ity tell me what do you think you like it I like
it I'm having a great day happy in
SE wakey wakey up up up get
up well we're heading about hours North to Crystal River Florida we're going to go on a charter and go fishing for oysters and crabs
[Music] all right guys we're at pets pier in Crystal River Florida and we're going to go try to dig some oysters and later
today we're going after crabs hey how you doing no believe me we did this same Charter about
years ago and Nathan fell in so we got to make sure we put a life vest on him even though I fell in I still have
fun I got this big spike we're going to use to Anchor ourselves on an oyster
bed is that a oyster just watch that gas that's a bunch of oysters no yeah okay we get in here and just
kind of okay and you try to get some broken off so this one right here that that's
an oyster so let's just take this one and we'll measure it real quick and you measure from the hinge to there so that's in so that one's not good
enough okay we need in right we need in or better
yep yeah yeah this is a keep well that looks like a this is a big one yeah you
want to get it right from the hinge but yeah that one's like a three and a half right inside there you want to get up underneath and the way you pop it is by
twisting it you see the water coming out okay that's your brine you don't want to lose your brine take your top off all
right and you want to make sure that the oyster inside is like a light cream color that looks pretty good well we're
going to try eating that how's that very good nice that's
fresh that's fresh a salty seab booger all right put the shell back
in oh there you go bring it up onto the wooden board good this is trickier than it
looks it's like playing one of those arcade claw machines but with
food definitely some in there K right
there oh well that'll work too the some are the bugs
living oh hold on Tom oh Tommy got one Tommy got it's a blue still
cool come on Tommy put him in the Box oh yeah go get him Nate get it to get it
all right Nate you got that oh yeah oh that's
heavy oh it isn't it is a fresh one this one's a keeper here oh we got a keeper
oh yeah keeper right there that's that's a pretty looking [Music]
one Jacob have you been throwing the keepers back crab where just a little
bit give the screwdriver apparently Jacob and the boys have been taking the keeper pile
and throwing them overboard we've been doing a lot of catch and least oyster harvesting we're we're conservationists
at heart oy save the oysters Sun's starting to set so we're going to head
back and go crabbing we're going to try to Dip Net crabs at night how many boys can you fit on one Mama's
lap we're back at Crystal River in the sun's setting and so we're going to start fishing for crabs sen all right
Nathan you ready to get some crabs just cruising along the shore and we're looking for blue crabs we see one we're
going to use the net to try to scoop him up oh there's one right there Tom right there
oh yeah oh there's one right there Tommy the little one the little one right underneath you oh there's one Tom right there at
the end of your net fast fast fast f f oh there's big one Tom right on your net right on your
net yeah we're good spot we good spot oh oh get him I miss he's over
there he's over there got him got him yes got him
massive that is a big boy There He Go all right he put up a ferocious fight
and then you just drop him through the net there it goes okay once he's like that you just do it yep that's a nice
crab look at that point to point that guy six Ines probably big blue
crab that Dolphins right there dolphins
there's a dolphin circleing the boat look at they feeding on all these little
fish oh man that's close oh man too really close the Dolphins are right
there we're surrounded there he is right there see him Tom oh yeah okay now wait wait Stick
It Go calmly stick it in the water now get it down deep and scoop fast forward fast forward forward forward faster
faster faster faster faster oh now he's over your way Nathan there he
is there he is oh here's a here's unrelated one but we'll take
it no well we're seeing plenty of them you got them NE sweep forward sweep
forward F he do oh that's a nice little catfish down
therein after us oh another catfish it's cool all the fish and wildlife you see
at night the seeing red fish and catfish gar sheep's head all the way to the bottom you got to do it fast now go for
it fast that's
oh there you go got it I my size one oh
there you go there is little fur you got him oh you got him you got you got it
you got it exuse no get out get out there we go oh
there's another one oh he's a little far you you get him you got him I got
him get out get you got him you got him got him you got
him buddy you got it woo a shark oh where right there look
there's a shark a shark down get down behind him sweep forward fast fast I got
him yeah you got him no no I got I got it's yeah I'm
sorry that's that's the kind of husband I big
crap you're not getting away he I don't know he looks like he is stop right
there he's so tiny oh there's another one oh nice one Tom no way there's another one no no charity crab all
righty Toby you digging this I loving it me too every oh there's one right under
your net count you got them Nathan don't drop it on me there you go oh I got him
dad's winning you get him yeah guys I got bad news what it's time to call it
we got to get you to bed more please guys is this one of your favorite
things to do yes this is this is one of our favorite family Chargers to do this
is a hoot dad plus plus two I mean that's not amazing but considering how
cold that is right now and how many we missed that's pretty good there's some good size guys in there too I think I'm
going to let these these little guys go yeah pinch them by the
flippers yeah he's going to get a piece of you Tom want big Bo do all right guys sit down we got to head
back all right you know how to pick these up so you go over here and you pinch their little flippers in the back
and then they can't get get you I'm afraid of Cl oh they're just giant spiders with
pinchers that's a cool idea no if you guys are ever near Crystal River Florida
and you want to do this too check out Florida crabbing Charters and I'll put a link in the video description below come
BL we just got checked into the hotel it's late I got to get kids to bed I'll see you guys in the
morning good morning hey Becca you like your
food all right guys you ready we got a lot of driving to do let's
go we're driving hours south to kargo
Florida then your destination will be on the
left oh well we are hungry we're going to grab some
oh this right here is chichon fried pig SK leave naan what's inside
yours a oh it's potato and meat inside it's really good
mom try that's like a sweet cream cheese in there that is good look at that grilled cheese sandwich that is so good
look at this is a vanilla eair and this is a keyme tart man using a cream Center y it
feel taste that best thing I've ever tasted in my life Cent so good love that
what do you guys think you guys like that it was good if you want to try this place out
it's the Tropical Bakery Cafe and Restaurant I'll put a link in the video description below oh food was great and
the people were so nice going to
look at this this is snazzy welcome to kilargo this rental house is on one acre of land that's unheard of here in the
keys look at this Tomy got boats look at that got their own Pier
looks like Tommy's wasting no time oh to see we go I no you you want us
to there you go buddy and they said don't well after a long day in the car this looks like a pretty nice place to
watch the
sunset what do you think Becca you think the kids are going to like this oh they're going to love it they're already in the water me and Becca are getting up
early to go scuba diving and spear fishing tomorrow morning so I got to put this camera up and I'll see you guys in the
morning that's what I mean by like
equipment how we doing I'm doing well how are you doing
between all right guys we're here with Jeff and Luke and we're going with forever young spear fishing and we're going to go out scuba diving and spear
fishing out here in the keys and we are so excited this is our what third time doing this I think I think
so all right Becky you ready for this all right now the water temperature is ° f so it's uh it's a little
nippy you ready to do this Becca yeah
you it's loaded
stillo I've seen those pictures look at that there we go yeah you shot you shot
three of those lion fish huh yeah congratulations these are an invasive lion fish they're native to the Indian
Ocean they're also venomous they've got these poisonous spines on each one of these long fins and you can kind of see
if you look close there's a thin oh really tiny little yeah but uh you've
been stung before quite a few times you live to tell the tale huh to tell the tail but it'll make you feel like you
didn't but they're a tasty fish and uh so we're going to shoot as many of those as we see and we'll we'll eat those up
how you doing are you cold a little bit where the
ne but we brought hot chicken noodle soup it's warm I love
it we're at about ft of water this time and we're going to drop some Chum out
see if we can't bring the fish
up all right we're anchored up we're going to let the chum do its thing and I'm just going to try to stop
not seen much more than what you seen
no I am a bit cold I think we're call It Go in a little bit early and warm up
it you have fun babe had a great time
good oh it feels good to get dry I'll cut the spines off first so I
don't stab myself yeah it sounds like a good move
once again my wife has outfished me this is the third time we've done this Charter and this is definitely the
coldest it's ever been but I still had a really good time it is January it is
January lizen if you guys want to do this too check out forever young spear fishing I'll put a link in the video
below Becca are you tired yeah I'm exhausted all right we're going to go see if we can find a restaurant that's
going to cook up Becca's lion fish we're going to go eat at the con house here in
kilargo Gates Gator bites look at that so we got coconut shrimp Gator bites and
con hey Jacob do you like your con Fritter yeah you know that comes from a
sea snail wow wow oh wow that's cool look at that
we got all the lion fish fried up you can eat the fins you guys like you just ate the poisonous spine of a lion fish
is it good oh not a spine but a fish I got a lime fish is good oh my
goodness look at that oh my goodness got a key lime coconut
cake Jacob did you eat that not all by myself all
right okay oh guys it's been a great day but it is late and time to put up the
camera I'll see you guys in the morning well guys it is a beautiful lowkey day here in kilargo Tommy's going
to take me out in The Kayaks okay see we got
our that yeah there we go left their water bottle
that's it nice to yeah there's another shipwreck over there you want to go explore that one
check it out someone tied up this little dock up to it so they can unload stuff off it you know it looks pretty trash
there's a refrigerator inside let's see check it out there's plants growing in the
upholstery should be easy hi
Captain well Tom that was a good idea that was fun bud
naan oh ow those kind of hurt I think it's time to go make some
[Music] lunch here you go
Bud look at how many there are
there we go nice little pile of crab meat we're going to have crab mac and
cheese got a little Jamaican meat pocket to go with our crab mac and cheese this a Jamaican meat pocket try
that you like the meat pocket all righty we got a roll we're
going to be meeting up with Goa from the YouTube channel googa Foods hello
nice to meet you brother ni too a lovely Place holy mackerel you've got a lot of
grills what is that a smoker grill this is the smoker over here more barbecues
over there a be freezer it's a little empty oh my
goodness oh like do you order this stuff on the internet mostly or I have a meat dealer pretty much everything that's
more camera equipment than I've ever owned right there so I built this whole entire building from nothing if if you
think I do cooking videos no no no no googa googa does cooking hey so we got a few things here for you guys to try I
don't know if you ever well you've been to Japan so I'm sure you had a five wagy right I'm sure not as good as what you're about to make
though mind you like the tin foil on you go you get tin foil I stick it in there
so I noticed no sizzling when you put it on no sizling oh cuz then it that lets it cool down exactly so oh look at
that is looking good good job Tom it makes me we we just walking in
the look at that you can be a hand model there you go rare I will steal it out of
your hands that's the best stick I've ever tasted I've been doing it wrong my whole
life grab some utensil not go for it going to front is a GoPro all right I
guess we're going to we're going to film a react video is that right yeah a reaction video I'm going to put a link in the video description below to this
video on goa's channel so make sure to check that out well that was fun thank
you very much thanks for coming for thank you it was such a pleasure absolutely when you come back let me
know oh I missed you Jake well listen guys it's late I got to get some kids to
bed I'm going to put the camera down I'll see you in the morning we're getting up early
oh come on Tom wakey
wakey hey good morning morning well the weather forecast surprised us a little bit and uh we got four to six foot waves
and so doing a hour jog through that sounds a bit rough with the kids so I
think we're gonna have to cancel today so we're gonna see some of Key West instead yeah we're gonna pivot all right
guys let's go get some breakfast we're going to go to the dolphin Deli for some
breakfast oh I'm so
do hey the sou most point in the US a couple years ago me and the boys we
drove from here all the way to the Arctic Ocean in Dead Horse Alaska go Mi did a video on it smile there
you go all right oh what is this button do we're
here at Fort Zachary Taylor I think I know why it's yeah check out the blacksmith shop so Fort Taylor was built
in and used by the union during the Civil War and was also used during World War II just in look how thick those
walls are guys work right three artillery shells and cannon
balls I don't think I explain what we were going to do this morning we were planning on taking a charter all the way
to the dry Tortuga Islands we're going to go snorkeling and spear fishing it's this remote fort on an island out in the
middle of the keys but the weather was really bad and we didn't feel like being in a boat for hours with uh rough wind
and waves so turn right onel time to get a golf cart that's what
I wanted no the
mus doing
good yeah well don't worry no one's going to steal it I got a bike lock the bike
walk all right I I think it's time to do all the touristy stuff in Key
West should we do this Shipwreck Museum it's right in here prepared to
enter oh see this is bar shot they would shoot it out of a cannon it would take out all the ropes on a ship say PB
Bar of silver it's worth thousands of dollars oh I got
it what is that come on Mama you can do it
this is the highest
VI go check out an aquarium but this is what Kong fritters
are made out of look those [Music]
TP there's the poisonous it's a scorpion
fish well with the humidity you're ot and large eyee they have a silver tail
pit all right guys we're going to check out the mfisher Maritime Museum Mel Fisher was a treasure hunter who
discovered one of the richest Sunken Treasures in this area B
yeah from the ship yeah from a shipwreck that's a $brick of silver right
there weighs lbes everything each one of these bars of silver is worth about
$look at that gold that's pretty big for it's little Dr
Evil oh you can see look at the helmets why just Blackness pirate guns
mil should we go to
lunch these are so small o hully hully chicken burer Hawaii and pull pork and
rice nice that okay okay I
just all right guys grab the stuff well that was fun did you guys enjoy that
yeah I had a good time it wasn't what we planned but it was fun it was fun it
worked out well I think it's time to head back to kilargo I'm going to pass out I'm so
tired it's been a long day I'll see you in the morning all right we're going to go get
some breakfast any of those look good maybe
yeah Mommy would like that all right guys this smells amazing
if you guys are in Karo check out Pine CR Bakery there we go down and
uh to feed the I hope you're hungry cuz there was a communication glitch and we
over ordered look at that oh look at this uh Becca oh my goodness we might
have over ordered a caramel Clair oh I'm so excited so this is mostly sweet
there's some sweet stuff in here these are Savory this is why you don't send a hungry guy with limited Spanish to the
bakery amazing what is it's like a buttery croissant with a beef filling this
croquet is like cheesy mashed potatoes oh it's like honey and cheese oh
no oh like ham and cheese breakfast was good but now it's time to pack up and
get heading
there we go fried alligator and Japanese curry with a little bit of s Becca do you like the gator meat it's
really good well guys that was a wonderful adventure and hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want to see more of our travel Adventures we
have videos from all over the world check out our Travel and Adventure playlist and don't forget to click
subscribe all right guys I'll see you next video If you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys
YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see
other great videos every Saturday morning and hit that Bell button so you'll get notification thanks for