6 Days Jungle Survival Camping with NO Food - US Marine Corps Jungle Survival School
Luke here with the AR Boys YouTube channel I'm here in the jungles of okwa with the US Marine Corps for the next
days I'm going to be attending the jungle warfare Training Center I'm not allowed to bring a tent spare clothes or
food we're going to be living off poisonous vipers eating bugs and we're going to be wet I'm not sure this was a
good idea but it's definitely going to be interesting a new place a new home for W let me feel
like nothing to hold me back take my time just enjoy the I know passing by life is good best ever felt me up so
many all right guys we're in Camp Gonzalez home of the Marine Corps jungle warfare training
center and uh we're going to get kind of a rundown of what's going to happen next
week a look there it's our CH Hall it's our Barracks is where we sleep the first
aid station hopefully this will be the only time we visit how how you doing L Nichols Chief Martins they're going to
show me all the animals we got to watch out for okay that's a Habu head nice
Taiwanese Taiwanese Habu there's three different types of Hab hu right and and the Habu is that a neurotoxin or is that
the one that makes you your bleed and stuff the Hemorrhage hosy yeah yeah so that's ones where you lose fingers and
toes and stuff yes oh what what kind of snake is this coral Coral Snake coral snake so that's a harmless one
right their toxins plus the bacteria from their mouth is what will kill you
and that one does not have a cure Habu hu Habu I believe I poked one
of these once in hu now which one this one I don't recognize the Taiwanese one
that one right there that would yes the golden the more now is that an Okinawa centipede or is that a is that one of
the Mainland ones that one's big uh definitely one of the ones that we found out here for sure can you eat these
things in theory in theory don't have any oh scorpions you got
scorpions they're a much rare finding out here but jungle scorpions do exist
we've got the murder hor we've had some oh yeah I've seen those actually white yellow and that one's really small I've
seen ear already the size of my thumb one got me in the back of the head and then on the ear twice how long did it
last like days oh that's not great it was did it like slowly go away over days or was it like no I just wanted to
die for days I wanted to oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I love kabo Mushi and these are two Co got the Mushi I had a pet one
on yeah they love watermelon black did they give these give you like little [ __ ] welts negative so these give you
big red wels about this size oh that's that's a large welt golden or oh oh yeah
these ones aren't too bad they're creepy but they they don't they don't hurt right they have again just a very mild
local reaction all right thank you very much that's there's a few students from
classes past that will how are you guys doing having a good day excellent
Welcome to live something difficult or
something find a rod am I you guys are probably ready to get out
of here yeah this is going to be interesting the packing list sounds like it's going to
be a little restrictive well guys we just got done with a couple hour orientation course and this is my first
time learning most of what I know about the course so apparently we're only supposed to bring the clothes that's on
our backs we're not allowed to bring any food there's only about six items we allowed to bring I got a lovely wife and
a nice home what am I doing here I don't know about you sound old
saying that all right well I'll see you Monday
okay all right awesome thanks eat up build up those fat reserves I'll see you Monday morning I'll see you Monday
morning do you have a fun day I did I had a great time I don't know what I've gotten myself into but it's going to be
awesome yeah I need to get packed up I packed toilet paper but I don't
think we're allowed to bring toilet paper that's all my gear for one week in
the jungle including lbs of camera equipment and about GoPro batteries
took my last shower and shave and uh think it's time to get to bed got an early morning and a hard week ahead of
me oh heyy I love you to he sa come home in
one piece I
will what on Earth have I got myself into did you get the first class I hope
you guys ate well guns on face well now I'm no expert um this is so I don't
break my good rifle you don't break a good rifle oh it's heavier though is
heav that's a nice looking knife on there you got oh yeah it's little Smith and Wesson oh nice oh I like it little
tono style that's sick you're the squad leader come get
[Applause] your so this week is a giant roleplay
war game and they're laying out the scenario they got a make belie country that's invaded another make belie country and these guys are going to be
trying to be working with the local civilian population while avoiding the enemy in a survival situation so now
that we got got the scenario under our belt we're going to do a couple tutorials about survival C I can just drink it no and then just go through
that process just like you would with the uh the water bottle I think it tastes a little bit like an apple and
then how to apply the U who we just finished a couple hours of uh classroom instruction and now they're
going to take us out to like a demo survival site
[Music] you got any tips I a couple things yeah
that's what I was trying to hold your steel still and pull your Flint pull it towards you blast as
much on Trails or Garmin or whatever take and wrap the ball on the end of a
stick so you got a little torch you can light it over here and then you can put it where you
want get in there and put it like under under that
oh that's not a bad swamp bit I'll tell you what I could do this one oh that's try that out man that's pretty good I
like the vines yeah that's a nice touch yeah thanks so right now we're just kind of checking out some of these pre-made
structures to kind of get an idea of what to expect get us a chance to make fires and Fiddle around with the natural
materials this is starting to feel real you guys look beautiful put on C paint
sure sure I can yeah show me I know nothing man already so that's why I go over my cheekbones you highlight your
cheekbones it gives you that's contouring this is a make thank
you I'm freaking John Cena man where's your cam
Marine it's like we're having a slumber party we did makeup we're going to do truth and dare later oh I think we might
get a little rain here oh yeah
yeah it's uh it's really coming
down I'm out here hiding under my tarp they're just unfazed getting rained on and sleeping in the mud is just standard
operating procedure for these guys Jun he's got
there I forgot about see oh sorry bud I need my I need my helmet
back good luck bud there's no question if it rains
you're just going to be wet we're getting ready to be inserted
into the jungle and so they're making everyone pull out their packs in the rain and inspect everything they have
make sure no one's got any food these guys aren't allowed to bring in any nicotine any tobacco no food
thing though I love how they don't let you bring food but they make you bring a gun
without ammo right little snacks in here I
wish I'm sitting here in the rain getting wet and I'm looking around at a bunch of -year-olds who absolutely do
not care about the weather this is going to be something so we're out so the
instructors have been briefing the Squad leaders about what's going to happen for the next hours and I think we're
getting ready to head out so so I see what you did here right sunset's at
we're going to have what minutes to prepare Before Sunset pretty much pretty
[Music] much this is where oh yeah
it's a bit of elevation gain Sunset is in
minutes are your survival sit you'll be with your team each other find your own
uh water your own food now
I might be say that more to
myself right man I got to tell you what there is not a lot of standing Deadwood in this
Forest that man the sun sets like a rock over
here got a pretty good pile of wood right here we are careful that should last us the hammock here string that
up there we go got the hammock strung up got a bug net over it got myself a
tarp hang that down we need to trim it a little
bit right cooked super quick all right we're
sitting here and a cicada just flew by my head
there we go you guys ever played with these watch
this oh that's what makes all these noises yeah make those wild noises this is a cic and you can eat these they'll
pee in your eye though if oh and the trees they drink the sap of the trees be
crispy okay we give this I figure worm bug guts
are better than cold bug guts let me oh that looks a little black here there we
go well the wings nothing just tastes like ash there a little butt
here asparagus what straight up man it tastes like it tastes like asparagus
asparagus yeah yeah wings like nothing just like a
little bit of Ash in your head it tastes like ash this might a day three meal not a
day one meal I'm not quite hungry enough yet I don't think you're not you going to get G really like not that bad it had
like a grassy feel to me I don't know if maybe I got some of that sappy butt juice in my mouth or something e the can we eat the head oh yeah I don't know
it's a I'm it's a bug I grabbed off a tree I don't know it really doesn't tast that bad it
tastes like meat tastes like a plant like meat hybrid so maybe the butt is
more planty in the the head is more meaty oh that sound was perfect sir are
you gonna get some ASMR send it yeah come on is this
is this straight up the head I think that's straight up the head that's like the neck area I think I was eating some
bug butt there so well that worked pretty well hopefully we can find a few more of those yeah I am going to boil
some water it [Music]
I should wrap it up in something I have to keep it all right guys it's late I think I'm going to go to
bed I'll see you in the morning
have bir this is the dried out
all right we're going to go down to the river get some water and I'm going to see if there's any fishing to be
had look at that I think this is one of those Firebelly NES the poisonous
ones let's see a I thought that was going to be the
Big River good looking water though yeah
so this thing's called a Grail is that right M and then I guess we'll just fill it up and go again
until okay there he goes and there's in theory filtered water coming
out an hour I'm looking around for frogs and
fish and not seeing much but we got water starting to feel the the no
calorie thing huh yeah it's been like a day and you can already tell like I find that not having the food it just makes
me sad gallon bucket of cicas we just all right now that everyone's nice and
hungry they're going to show them how to clean a
chicken this is the type of person that just sit and watch a kid drown like take a phone call this is like generational
trauma so like during my survival one of the instructors like walks up pulls out a thing at gummy
worms Oh Yeah they just ate a muffin and butchered a chicken in front of starving men and
sent us on our way I forgot how hungry I was until I saw
that we got a little time to kill so uh we're going to March around the jungle a little bit see if we can find anything
to eat oh man down so right now we're looking
for a deadly Viper called a Habu it's probably our best chance to find something to eat
video like right yeah just saw a ground spider about the size of my hand swim across the
creek come back from our Habu hunt and they're cooking up ferns those those are going to be the good
ones that's the best one right there there you go that crunch is what
you're listening for it's like the texture of like NY seaweed yeah but it's got like Pulp in it you can bite bite on
yep it cucumber very cucumber you all right
yeah well I think we might be getting a little rain all righty
there you go this actually feels good to just sit down I kind of wore myself out hiking
through that Ravine well just like that I think the
rain stopped I think we got one of the other groups over here doing sir heyy you want
to see how the other half live oh look at that nice now you guys all fitting underneath here we're going to get nice
and cozy together you know oh look at that that you got your gear off there behind the uh the heat reflector that's
a battle buddy slumber party right there oh yes it is tactical cuddle we're about to we're about to go have a good time we
found a waterfall with some crabs and stuff so we're going to go check that
out there we
go house
from Alaska it's like
out sther wo the be yeah I'm not
touching oh my yeah I got to figure out exactly that
was actually really refreshing you know I'm still hungry but I'm not overheated and that was fun and that actually
helps thank you oh okay yeah that's a decent size one I just grab that with my hand
snake heck yeah yeah y there we
go hey you've spotted him man you're going to eat him yeah Ian I'll eat him yeah you spotted him he just put him in
a zipped up pocket like the one on your shoulder you ain't getting out he can't pinch his way out of
that oh look at that look at the size of that thing doesn't look like the
poisonous ones oh well there goes their bait all
right you're
sick it's on the bottom it's on the bottom right there you see it
yeah I can touch
oh we hacking stuff now well jeez I got to bust out my
machete what's going on the old machet is looking like a
rolled some edges oh yeah yeah that's uh mhm it's too thin
yeah I think I might need to get my money back on that one and that was something else I've never seen an edge
fail that spectacularly before you find snake I think so oh
there's a snake that's dinner that's a poisonous
Viper called the Habu that's a hea Habu that's the second Habu these guys have found both of them were under logs so
now everyone's like looking under logs trying to see if we can't find more danger pasta you got a crab in your
pocket dead snake you're like a walk-in Buffet yeah I
am I smell better M it's a new cologne I call it jungle
Gully yeah getting a little dried out might got a little water in your boots there
yeah got a little bit of time to kill I think I'm going to make a little bit of a place to lay down next to the fire and
get warm and dry and maybe a little bit of a Wind Block too
I'm doing the fisherman oh well when do you use this whenever we're
yeah all right I'm going to go film these guys eating the Habu you cooking that Habu not
yet oh do you still have the crab in your pocket yeah we ate him yeah good though good it was good it was like
actually eating like a normal crab like I would hit it at the joint and then I could pull the meat out and it was about that b maybe even the Costco free sample
version of a crab but yes it's still delicious do half and half do the tail half in the soup that way we don't have
to like you know now that's like sun up I think we try roas it cuz we
already there we go we going to try some take a nibble rip off a piece it could
be the fact that I haven't eaten in like two days but that actually tasted pretty good I I got a question for you guys
like I'm I kind of went into this with the attitude like nothing I find is going to be worth the calories I expend
to get get it you think that finding the snake actually makes up for all the effort you put into it like I think so
yeah just the psychological huge boost like it's just fun cuz like you're going to get bored out here just sitting down
so we go out there like explore like we found the waterfalls and we found a hobbit we found a CB it's just this is a
good dayb was really good I think I'm going to go get my lights try to get get my underwear
dry good luck all right thanks for letting those hang out with you guys feel really good but I'm noticing
especially in the last hours that I'm getting dizzy weird movement is
harder yeah I am kind of feeling the like the hunger pain but more than that it's like my body's
tired he sunset's about so we're just sitting around drying our clothes
trying to relax definitely have more time in your hands when you don't have to cook all the way and all this planning and every time as it feels late
oh it's only it feel I could have swore it was tell you being starved makes makes it feel a lot
later that could be better all right guys I'll see you in
the morning see
you oh good morning it's almost a.m. and everyone's getting up and getting ready slept pretty good except
for a massive rainstorm that came in some water leaked in but not too bad I
spent all last night getting getting my shoes dry and they're wet again it rained so hard last night that the rain
splashed outside the tarp onto all the stuff that was on the ground inside the [Music]
tarp yeah that it looks like % dry underneath there you were under that
thatched lean to when it started raining last night huh I was yeah oh here yeah
it could be wor hey wait wait wait wait hey there's a dry there's a dry spot there's a dry spot it would stop a
little bit and then it would just like drip in like big spots like find its with all right we got a little meeting to kind of explain what's going to
happen today yeah we'll we'll meet there and then we'll P out we need to break
down all our equipment and clean up the camp and get everything looking back the way we found
it see it's Wednesday morning and the only thing I've eaten since Monday is uh
half a cicada a couple burned Ferns and I got to taste a tiny sliver of Habu
doing okay but uh feel a little weird I feel a little weird yeah we'll see how the hiking goes but I've got to get
up all right hang the water up in the tree let gravity pull it through the filter and
fill up my bottles
[Music] my knife sheath broke yesterday so I
can't carry it on my belt anymore that's [Music]
lame I feel like woozy when I stand up
like we doing we doing face paint yeah you want some yeah I got
one baby so right now I've got the new camo paint from Sephora and we're applying a base layer that'll really
help hide those pores and I'm going to sate the cheekbones here with a darker forest
green wind wind's making The Thirst video over here
yeah we should have used Mini yeah this is column this is what we usually use
then we'll be using re Ranger file a lot M we get in a straight line and follow each so column is means like either side
of the road like lining up kind of spreading out a little bit guess I'm
dising all right this marks the beginning of the war games portion of the training the instructors are enemy
soldiers there's going to be civilians and Villages and not only do we have to hike through the jungle on an empty
stomach we have to do it without getting captured or seen by the enemy so the summer camp portion of the activity is
this means to hold a halt yeah this is like hard stopped
freezed we're using this opportunity to kind of hunt as we go I'm just kind of eyeballing this ditch
I stop and fill up our water real quick
went down a really steep slippery hill now we've gone up a really steep slippery
Hill you tired yeah I'm I'm always tired look at this guy back here what
you got the pack in the gun we going back
turns out the top of this Mountain's a dead end so we got to go back down it's a little depressing but yeah
[Music] I'm going to give it
aot slippery down there huh all right got it got
it I know I'm getting tired where I'm doing that thing where all of a sudden I'll just start drifting to one side
you guys find a snake went under underneath this rock in the water someone spotted a Viper and he
just went in that little hole right there I think these guys want some danger pasta for dinner
tonight oh another one heads up guys they just saw another one there's another Viper over
there oh we
go he might be under the the water in the Rock by your foot I saw him go under and I don't know have a clue where he is
I've already seen two vipers in like ft got to watch where I stand man there's snakes all over
here you got to go high oh nice
and we're just heading east in the draw until we connect with this larger one we can follow that to um Third World
Village which is our objetive objective yeah all right
taking a breather and licking our wounds I'm tired not eating is making me a little Buzzy affecting my
balance justed I I would go to the top of a temp yeah I'm I'm sleepy like I could go
fall down and go to sleep right now and just sounds very Marine Core yeah yeah
hey so we're going to head back down but we're going to backtrack right now and just take another long halt
I got yeah got right here who's got the stick right here under the log oh I see
him yeah got to pin him down nice there you go
man right Habu soup there and now it's like spread like half take a little
break to cook up that snake oh it's nice to sit
down this rubbery is all get out if I was doing this I'd like boil it for
hours but that ain't happening so I think it might be done got it some fresh snake just like
Mama used to make yeah like your Habu Tender Loin right there
woohoo all right I can hold you got it bones and all that actually feels
amazing could be the starvation talking but that was nice that actually tasted really
good [Music]
vertebrae oh that tastes amazing oh I like that so much man I can feel that
like just going down my body people are like this is so good oh that is so much
flavor legit good I don't know if I've ever tasted something so
good you know that is not giving me any significant amount of calories but I
just feel amazing afterwards I'm really glad you found that snake yeah that was perfect timing
yeah it up Rodriguez did you fall off camera again yeah dang it man you're all
allowed to hurt yourself have I'm filming I was getting so dizzy when we came and halted here I was really
worried about my ability to make get little rest in that Habu juice man it just I feel so much better I don't know
how long that's going to that feeling is going to last but I'm excited yeah yeah yeah know I do feel so much better just
mentally I'm just chewing that hobo in the bones just kind of the consistency of chewing gum giving me a little meaty
juicy snack make sure that's vill the safy
just didn't my understanding what's happening is there's this civilian Village that instructors have set up and we're going to put our camp near it and
then create some observation post so we can kind of watch The Village and see what's going on before we go in there
and try to make contact M that yeah taking a little break taking care of my feet I think I got a bunch of chiger
bites down here oh yeah oh juicy foot juice could
be the hobble juice talking but I'm having a good time now feeling much better that's Scouts came came back and
they found the village but we're going to move our campsite a little bit closer but there are instructors prowling
around so we've got to keep our volume down
that truck just drove
by so they're going to bend down watch this Village probably for the next
hours all righty I think it's time for me to get a be a big boy and make my
bed my machete turned out to a bust but I really like this knife really like it
far there we go got my hammock strung
up I'm just coming for the company that would be kind of I
say had a good look at oh jeez let me see now look at this
dude real man's oh jeez jungle tears your feet up man it's
it's not a joke it's kind of annoying there you know about they're so good they taste exactly like what they
labeled that at this Crum I heard the South Korean one was pretty sweet yeah the
rock Marines they have like fresh noodles and everything
so some of the instructors are pretending to be civilians and this instructor is one of the villagers Mas son Chris and what's your name Nick
nickan ni nice to meet you good day you need water or food no no all good all
good all good okay all right have a good one thank you and then he wants us to come around between between and
the Villager they met up on the road told us to come back around noon tomorrow we can meet with the elders so
we got a little bit of time to kill we're just Camp here at our shelters and Hold Steady till tomorrow look at that D we're just
sitting here hanging out by the fire and I pulled this big old fat tick off my back look at that he's a big old guy he
is in it luckily he's not too engorged so he hasn't been on for too long but I'm going to put them in the
fire searching if you pull them out pretty quick you usually don't get diseases from them the worst is some
species of tick they specialize in going up in your crotch so that's going to be a fun fun thing to look for tonight
scavenger hunt yeah look at all these Cher bites chers
like to live in the grass around rivers and stuff and they get up and climb up your socks and get in you Herford May y
I'm just sitting out here by the fire and there's these glow-in-the-dark leaves on the ground and there's a bunch of fireflies up doesn't show up on the
camera but it's pretty cool I think I might us to get ready for bed I am pretty tired I'll see you guys in the
morning good morning I haven't really eaten anything of substance since Monday morning and I wake up and my mouth just
tastes funky but it rained pretty good last night and stayed dry but it's
a.m. and I've got a lovely day of not eating to look forward to so got to hurry up and get dressed
second pass yeah there's no you guys get wet last night I did not but these guys
did any of you guys get ticks I'm just special man yeah I'm I'm
kind of doing the math here and I'm seeing what one two three four five six seven eight n nine guys and two tarps
that's a tight fit how goes the Outpost solid kind of dries out
got a little downtime so we're going to go over and see what the instructors are doing use my YouTube Privileges and step
out of scenario good morning do well yeah so you guys are Corman right you're here to
in case somebody needs a emergency help right exactly well so just him he's the Corman and then I'm just here to drive
the vehicle all right this is nice got a CAU you got your Beats you listen to an
audio book or anything or some music yeah music maybe a little movie you guys stayed nice and dry I assume we did oh
yeah good well the villag is down there that's what they're saying yeah cool stuff it's was good talk to
you any like minor injuries heat stroke or he stroke anything they're the ones that take care of us man my legs feel so
weird oh them all not not in scenario all what's up Villers scenario nice
seeing you how you doing sir how you doing hey you guys look good so yeah well thank you I'll take it smiles and
on this new diet it's like a day fast yeah it's like intermittent fasting without the
intermittent right right we're just going to hang out here until the youer engagement keeping it alive is l a
struggle like doesn't speak English at all we'd have to like translate it I feel like staro this is I own
take all through a another yeah I was doing that with the
Banana Leaf yesterday yeah like every day I think he's like right yeah so he's like every day like sitting under
like some red light off like that son of a gun almost
had him I almost had him my Ur flew off talk about that there's some banana trees growing here and banana trees are
very edible so like once in their lifetime some know anything about
bananas over here that's why all these are so so that's the heart of a banana tree
right there it's got these crazy fibers that one tastes really bigger
this is kind of the fun thing being out here you see YouTube videos of guys doing this I've heard of people doing
this cuz this is my first time actually doing it and you learn a little
bit yeah so you want the middle of the middle this little bit I tastes okay not
going to sustain life but give you something to chew
on good looking water though so uh what do you got to decontaminate the water
Clorox bleach and in each of them I'll put two drops per quart to give it a
shake and wait minutes that'll kill all the bacteria parasites and
viruses how long do you let it sit I'll usually let it sit for about minutes before I drink all right well stand up
and get getting dizzy all right over the bridge of death the locals are so friendly out
here I hate doing the tourist thing and never getting a chance to talk to the locals you know this hill
yeah it's
brutal got a little snack though you guys want some you guys you a little
Contraband snack here got a got little something I managed to sneak in of was
saving it appreciate it watch oh my God I brought to brought you
guys some snacks so there you go thank you jumbo jumbo call I got every flavor
there already M those are the quality ones man you you're never too big to eat a crayon Green's looking pretty good
there's like my favorite s we we got some solid flavors
we ate all the good flavors that's actually awesome but [Laughter]
eat don't oh my can be SE get one and if
you get the joke you get the
joke all right guys it's about noon it's time to go meet with the Villagers and part of the war game is they have to try
to go build relationships with the civilians next week they're going to have a tactical exercise where they're
going to need the civilians cooperation and how well they do with this will Factor how easy or hard the next week's
exercise is part of this exercise is training how to interact with a civilian population
it's about matching the security posture of whoever you're me meeting with if they're on edge you we be on edge if
they're relaxed we be relaxed hello hello hello who are you I
am Chris he does not like you okay do you like
why does he you take that yes we are here to help that is what we we come for so thank you so the instructors are
trying to come up with their own make believe accents and cultures to kind of get the Marines used to interacting with
people who have different ways of doing
things my goodness that is that pickle very good
very good
that is the best tasty pickle you've ever had in your life Pi so in order to build trust with the
Villagers the men are out patrolling and gathering firewood to try to help the villagers out and protect them from the
enemy soldiers so I'm going to stay here and document what's going on a very tactful way to put rest and recoup oh
hey some of us aren't hopped up on pickle juice man you know the lingering rub on the back was was that was Prime
that was that was perfect with me smells like a swimming pool as your
bleach M it pairs nicely with a crayon we got
company Mar we bring firewood uh we have men over there and over there can I have
all I want to share meal share meal with all men all men M I have I have uh
R you call Rice yes I have rice for me I set right I said rice right here okay
okay thank you thank you thank you so the villagers have busted out some rice to share a meal with the Marines oh I
don't know about
ain't nobody Swifty like the Marine [Music]
Core okay than you than you [Music]
thank little bit of wood in there but that's
okay I don't know what they are but it's
some that's good rice am we very low on resources uh
please that's delicious that's the most food I've eaten since Monday morning they they take they take my bed can you
please make make bed in house for meat for sleep so the Villager told the
Marines that the enemy has stolen all this furniture and asked them to make new furniture for him and in exchange
he's offered to give him a
chicken yeah just like it's straight from Ikea no there's Pro I saw Pro okay okay
heard we will go please please please everyone please please please go they're out there I saw them the Villager saw
some enemy solders is up on the hill so they're running after him let's go the villagers went out on a
little Patrol and they apparently they traded him a chicken and they did not come back to let me film they just ran
for it so I think I better go follow
him Mr outdoor boys um yes yeah yeah yeah I'll I show you once you get all
all going it's pretty easy go rinse him off I'm so gassed
cooler good oh oh that hurt yeah I'm
good I'll be sore in the morning check it out I keep seeing these
artillery simulators floating around they launch these they make like a whistling noise the instructors will
take those whenever you mess up and you just hear a
boom and if you're in the defense and you m there you go let me I put this here it's got water
in it so okay so we got all the bits and Bobs in
here um like get
better kind of crunch it and see there they go the the chicken's flat now all
right here we put it on on the fire like this Checker heat one two three that's
pretty perfect was like my favorite one is the
best one it is I have all right look at this beauty do
that look good oh yeah does here grab that joint there and then um what do you think any
good oh yeah Howes it taste like well
done that tastes really delicious it's it's chewy but it's
good can greas come
out that's for you brother that thing is for you
here thank you look at the grease on there I just want to try
this just see how we did oh that's that's good that's good
yeah it's hot you have the little egg just to say I did you want what this is one of the undeveloped eggs from inside
the chicken just take it this is the only one I can it tastes just like a little tiny hard-boiled egg that's good
another gizzard anybody while we were cooking the chicken somebody uh tactically acquired the bag of rice from
the villagers so there is definitely some rice being cooked up right now well listen to miss with the boys not you I'm
I'm all right oh man this is going to be so good I'm gone Barrel
dude just imagine it's a cray oh man there we go holy
moly right there yeah that handle is a little bit sketchy wins the rice connoisseur
was it good come on they got a lot of the meat in
here it's good we don't wait for it to we cooked that rice in the grease and
broth from the chicken carcass it's pretty legit it's Ash
after my back is sore my legs are tired it's late I think it's time to go to bed
I will see you in the morning all right guys I'm going to bed good morning it's day five we're breaking
camp and getting out of here gamy pain camouflage GL just said
something cuz we can't see you right now huh yeah exctly like oh a scenario the villagers got
kidnapped by the enemy last night is that what happened they were in a some sort of foreign vehicle and we were trying to get after them and the pro
took off with them a after they were kidnapped they uh the enemy soldiers forgot to take the villagers rice and so
that's uh there go it wasn't a complete loss so now we're hiking to a landing
Zone and we've got to guard it for hours to make sure it's clear of enemy and then we'll be told when they're
going to pick us up sometimes like there's a we got to break up the profile of my
ears all right get my bag
off was so beautiful last night the stars were just insane up here if I
wasn't extraordinarily exhausted and malnourished I would have like videoed it need to tighten up my straps my pants
were a little tight when I started now they're falling down on me so now we got to go through the
jungle to a landing Zone guard The Landing zone for a day make sure it's clear of enemies and if the enemies find
us then the time for our extraction out of the Jungle gets kicked back
every step out here is either uphill or treacherously downhill there's not a lot in
between I feel like I gorged yesterday I had five spoonfuls of rice a chicken
thigh a bite of an apple and a sip of chicken broth my energy level is like so
much better today I'm still olding out of shape though it's still extremely different yeah this is rough
okay now need a turtle look at that apparently the turtles are endangered so we don't eat
them oh my back is sore just's going to backtrack a little
bit to where we hit those power lines can hear a whole bunch of
screaming over there sounds like one of the other squads is run into some trouble is that gunfire sounds like it's
coming from the other side of the valley that
yeah this is where they do the repelling here at the jwtc just saying
just and stries are having some fun with some dummy rounds over there
extraction point we're supposed to be watching is just right over there and the uh enemy or about as we've been
hearing so we got to make sure we keep it a low
profile now I probably feel the best today that I felt on this whole trip you know it's like the end is near my body's
trash but I'm not shaky it's I'm like this is I'm doing this this is this is going down two two one two two
Roger sell a copy there's some civilians who are not part of the exercise doing construction near The Landing Zone we
want to be extracted from and so the instructors are informing us that they're going to give us a new place to be extracted from so but I think that
means we're going to be walking again we can hear the Villager who was
kidnapped yelling Americans please help Americans please help
you stay quiet we'll get you water all right we can get you more water now if these gentlemen bear any resemblance to
villagers that's purely coincidental these are enemy soldiers there's only so many Mar over
here PPPro is oh Hur I'm sorry I'm
sorry what you taking me
up you're with Pro we were with Pro no I'm not with Pro I'm not with oh please
it's not like this why you trying to run I'm not running I'm so sorry my finger
bleed that was there before that Pro I don't know all right
well we got don't worry got host please don't shoot
please it's always the Twitchy ones that run oh
[Music] no oh no where you T I'm
coming my
hat these are the casings for blanks they don't actually shoot a bullet they just make the loud noise that's the
gunfire we heard looks like where they came out earlier
we got to go grab our gear there's an enemy fire team coming we got to get our gear and get out of
here hey Bradford here's your
stuff because there's a limited amount of Marines with theatrical training they uh their character is based on their
clothes black shirts they're not in the game they're referees camels are enemy soldiers and civilian clothes is
so we got two PS they just snagged inant running on the
road gun and we saw you L is
[Music] water bottles in the woods over
there we Gott yes sir unless you want to hump it around no not unless I can take
it [Music]
home oh I can see uh the headquarters up there building 's right up
there not that far trip just going to sit here lay on the ground until tomorrow morning all right we won't be
able to make any fires or anything we're Expos loud and clear that's like the most impressive part is like how you
just like lay down and sleep sleep anywhere we've been like no
matter the enemy soldiers are down on the road they're playing Tokyo Rose propaganda on loud speakers
we are the UTV driveway okay we've been on this hill
for hours and uh wind here is going to try to make rice in an M heater we're
all excited to see how this goes so this right here is a chemical heater you add water to it in the chemical reaction
with the water creates a lot of heat and it warms your food up some rice and water sitting in a beverage
sleeve there you go now we just got to let it sit for a little bit this was cooking it's a little warm
maybe a little bit warm as it
yeah a little bit softer looks like it's softer
the instructors are back with the loudspeaker and the Propaganda music
is is is this your tarp yeah this is going to be my tarp oh man
oh that made me sad inside so
small that's right yeah it looks like there's some rain coming the sun setting and the enemy soldiers are all around so
I can't turn on my headlamp or my camera lights so I'm not sure how much filming I'm going to do tonight all right guys
we're getting ready to go to bed and a lightning storm's coming in and obviously we're on top of a hill underneath this giant Tower so we got to
get out of here
[Music] we booked it down the hill and grabbed this gazebo and we're just going to go ahead and sleep here for tonight oh look
at all these lovely benches to choose
from Bugs ate me up look at
that got to keep my socks on
keep those bugs out of my pants start lighting all right I'm going to sleep on
some concrete I'll see you guys in the morning
that's pretty so we're getting ready for extraction we're trying to secure the landing Zone sing a guy up to put a
signal so the helicopter can see and then guards around to protect the landing
Zone everywhere we've suffer through all
right day six Sunrise right there oh in the last six days I've only eaten half a
cicada three ferns a chicken thigh about five scoops of rice a bite of Habu and a
bite of an apple that was amazing actually I'm really interested to go get on a scale like my pants were super
tight when we started and they're falling down on me my daddy fluff is at a
minimum was pretty bad tie uper picked up signal now we got to get back
down oh it's starting to rain and I am just a little bit dead inside so I'm just like oh
whatever the jungle's giving us a great big wet kiss goodbye can hear a UTV down
there I think the enemy soldiers are down there they're yelling something about breakfast I think they're trying
to lure us out of the woods let's go you want breakfast or not Oh I thought it was a
trap woohoo got sh we're good our ride showed up it's extraction time
well that was fun
yeah all right all right thank you very
much said breakfast at I'll tell you the Marine Corps jungle warfare Training Center is an extremely unique
and awesome learning EXP experience I really don't think there's anything else like this in the military to be out in a
jungle environment is so different cuz everything is wet all the time this it seems like very useful very practical
information they're teaching these marines it could really save some
lives ni some dried fruit
o mhm that is the best dried fruit I've ever tasted in my
life oh my goodness that is so luxurious oh my pork
[Music] eat oh that was a cold shower I got so
many bug bites on me they got all up in my [Music]
clothes let's see we're going to going to see what the damage is
here I waited about lb when I started this and now I'm down to so
I've lost lb in days it's been quite the
week um I wanted to give you something just as like for like us spending time
together I carry these around to trade with like Japanese or Koreans but I was like one for each of the boys sweet uh
and then I wanted to give you my name tape I got this uh this was the first name tape I got at OCS a thank you man
huge two three times you should have been a while nice crossbow how long have
you been out there I I was on like two days two days yeah you're just like chilling in your off time yeah okay you
know it's hardcore when one of the instructors is just running off in the woods for two days on his days off he
built a crossbow what what was I doing with six days they have you doing out there I don't know I just run around
with a GoPro like a loser I uh just hopped on the scale went from down
to good lb the jungle warfare Training Center Diet Works I tell you
what is a great diet you guys happy you did it are you guys going to just like destroy
this chow hall go go
go okay all right thank
you I want to eat like six more plates of that but I think I better take it easy might throw
up slack you liking that that's good delicious what is that you got just ice
cream and cereal oh my goodness me
to all right
should nice that's your Habu skin yeah I loved how you tacked The Hideout with
the rank insignia
yeah how was the week we had fun
now Mr Nicholls did all the things with you guys this week which is pretty
impressive so for that right uh the director and myself decided that he
should get something it's a certificate of graduation um for jungle survival course
Tac uh from the director Lieutenant Colonel candies and myself thank you
very much
awesome just a little something to take back with you right um that's pretty
awesome everybody thank you hey thank you it was a pleasure a have a safe trip
every it was a good time guys thank you all right thank you take easy thank
you bye Mr boys that was pretty cool oh that is way cool yeah
oh we did it they let us leave little dirty tricks like that no I
I got it all right see you later tonight [Music]
there you are bud I'm excited to see it