So I'm going to go ahead and make some bread. I have this dough I made up last night. Take and wrap this bit of cheese, a little bit of bread dough with that Gouda inside. Cooking bread on the coals is really easy. Either you make a disc and you lay it straight on the coals and flip it, or you make a ball and you bury it in the coals. A little bit of campfire ash that gets stuck to the bread tastes just like flour. All right, we're going to put that right on the coals.

Just like the bread, the coals are going to stick to it while it's rare, and once it's cooked, the coals will fall off. Yes, that is perfect. A little cheese-filled biscuit cooked in the ash right there. Check out the melted Gouda in there. That is so good. Oh, those are good beans. It's got so much pork jowls in there and the brown sugar. These are good beans. Oh, that is delicious steak.

This bread dough is so easy to bring on winter campouts. You just tear off a piece and bake yourself some fresh bread whenever you're feeling like it. If you refrigerate it, it'll last three, four days without any problems. It just slowly becomes sourdough if you let it sit for too long. Oh, that bread was good. I'm going to make some more of that. Mmm. That is good prime rib. Mmm, that is good. Ah, look at that. That's gorgeous. But it looks like it's going to be windy and cold tonight.

The dinner was really good but I am so thirsty so I need to clean my pot out and start melting some snow and get some water. Well the wind is really kicking up and it is getting cold and the sun is setting and I don't have enough firewood to get me through the night so I need to go and start chopping some more wood. I'm going to go ahead and get some more firewood. I'm going to go ahead and get some more firewood. as well. This pine burns about one inch radius per hour.

It's about a two and a half, three inch radius so this piece of wood should last three hours in the fire. You need about four of these to have a fire so I'm going to burn up about four of these logs every three hours. So I have about hours of firewood right there. Got my water. My socks are all sweaty. I'm going to go ahead and try to dry my feet and boots off before I go to sleep. I got all the steam coming off my feet. Yeah, my socks are really wet. Oh, that makes such a difference. My feet are all dry. I got all my firewood. I think it's time to go to bed.

I'm going to be waking up throughout the night to stoke the fire so I better get to bed sooner rather than later. But before I go to bed, I'm going to show you one little trick that's going to make my bed very warm. All right.