hello everyone and welcome to tvon.com
my name is Grant and today I'm going to
show you a little bit about playing pool
or eightball as it's known so let's get
it go ahead and I'll show you how to
Rack some balls we'll go over a little
bit on tool cues and we'll go over a
little bit of the basics of the
game what you need to
What You Need
break first off you'll need a
acustic billiard
balls and chalk for your
acti There are balls
total one through and the Q ball so
Pool Cue
you want to make sure that your pool
queue is not warped so one thing you can
do is you lay it down on the table here
and you just roll it back and
forth just to make sure that the pool
que is not warped and this one looks
good next what we want to do
is as we hold the pool que we want to
find the center the
balance and this is going to determine
where our our our power hand is going to
be which in this case is my right hand
so we want to go about an inch past
where the balance point is and that's
where you want to hold your pool
que next thing we're going to go over is
Racking Balls
we're going to go on how to rack up your
balls um now this kind of varies between
different places where you go uh it's
usually house rules to determin on how
to rack up the balls but uh uh all every
almost everywhere I've played you want
the uh the number one ball to be um in
the front you want the eight ball to be
in the center and then you want two
stripes to be on the corners that's just
how I play but it it can be it can be
racked a variety of different ways
uh so what we want to do is as we rack
the balls we want to bring them all the
way up here into the
middle and we want the front ball to
line up with the second Diamond up the
table so you can kind of stick your
fingers in to tighten up you want to get
a nice tight
rack your racks you push all the balls
forward you let them
sit and you lift off the triangle and
there we have it it's that set up next
thing you want to do is you want to make
sure that the white ball is on the
second diamond on the far side okay next
thing we're going to talk about is the
brake uh the brake is one of the more
important shots of the game uh it's just
to get the game
started uh there's a variety of
different ways that you can approach it
you can hit it from the side you can uh
you know you can hit it from over here
hit in the
middle um it it just really depends on
your preference now I I like just to hit
it on straight
on so the goal is to get a real nice
spread this one seems to be pretty good
kind of spread the balls out all over
the table